From the 3 of a Perfect Pair Music Camp
August 2014



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                         Full Moon campsite at Big Indian in the Catskill Mtns

Another great time with our friends, the campers who come to our 3 of a Perfect Pair Camp.

It's a week of connections, musical and otherwise, that Adrian Belew, Pat Mastelotto and I have put on for 3 Summers now, greatly aided by Markus Reuter, and visits by Julie Slick and Tobias Ralph.

This year I took less pictures of the area - beautiful as it is - and more of the campers. I'm hoping the shots give a sense of what special people they are, and how special the week is.

Here's my Gallery of the Campers

There was an exceptionally big full moon, and, this being at the Full Moon Camp facility, I couldn't resist trying a few shots of it (and, okay, also couldn't resist going a little Picasso on it.)




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